The Executive Team

Leadership position expectations are defined by the six core values of Texas A&M. Aside from these character and behavior expectations, those selected to a leadership position are expected to uphold and display the values and mission of the Sisterhood of Aggie Mentors in whatever manner their position prescribes. Feel free to contact any member of the exec team with any questions or if you need help in an area.

President: Ashley Wright
Ashley is a Senior Sport Management major from Arlington, Texas. As President, she oversees all positions and contributes to collaborating on all things SAM. She coordinates meetings, memberships, and events with other executive members. Contact her regarding anything SAM related.
Contact: (817) 718-0880 or

Vice President: Courtney Crow
Courtney is a Junior Public Health major from Corpus Christi, Texas. As the Vice President, she handles the mission and purpose of SAM along with our president. She coordinates our bi-weekly speakers and oversees all matters regarding mentorship. Contact her if you have any concerns regarding mentorship.
Contact: (361) 425-8208 or

Member Development Director: Madison Pinkstaff
Madison is a junior Kinesiology major from Allen, Texas. She oversees all new membership . Let her know if you have questions about rush events, sisterhood events, or points.
Contact: (469) 786-7428 or

Director of Finance: Maggie Vale
Maggie is a junior Accounting major in Professional Program in Accounting from Flower Mound, Texas. She oversees profit shares, dues, donations, and budgeting for SAM. Reach out to Maggie regarding any questions you have about these matters.
Contact: (817) 403-3141 or

Outreach Director: Lillian Golgert
Lillian is a junior Biomedical Sciences major from Allen, Texas. She handles all business regarding our philanthropies in the community and how SAM engages in it.
Contact: (972) 632-7865 or

Marketing Director: Jamie Whitley
Jamie is a junior Business Honors and Marketing major from Rockport, Texas. She oversees publicity, marketing, merchandising, and media as the marketing director. Feel free to reach out to Jamie if you have any questions!
Contact: (361) 463- 6022 or

Social Director: Gracie Bacon
Gracie is a Sophomore Bilingual Education major from Austin, TX. She handles all matters regarding planning, organizing, and hosting social events. Some of these events include formals, parents brunch, parties, and other activities throughout the semester. Please feel free to reach out to her with any questions regarding social events!
Contact: (512) 701-9988 or